This was the sunset yesterday! I have been so lucky to have beautiful sunsets everyday this week. I melt for sunsets like this.
After HERmonic rehearsal I went swimming with Annie and Erin. Erin and I aqua jog while Annie swam laps. It is the highlight of my day (on Tuesdays and Thursdays) because after a long day we go to the pool and get to vent and gossip (in a good way) plus get a good work out!
Then I woke up this morning to this beautiful sky! While walking to my 8:30am class.
After class I ran some errands and then had a skype date with my best friend Abby! I haven't see her since December before winter break and it was SO GREAT to catch up with her. I was super excited to talk to her because we scheduled the dates I am going to go visit her in Colorado in March AHHH!
My excited face :D
And the stunning Abby! I miss you so much!!
It's Christina's (my housemate) 22nd Birthday today and this is what I got her.....
Strawberry Champagne, red velvet and vanilla cupcake. YUMMERS!!! Happy Birthday Christina!!