Thursday, April 26, 2012

Thursday April 26th 2012

read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read

*****MORE COFFEE*****

read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read 

Must finish book for class.....AHHHHHHH!!!

Wednesday April 25th 2012: Good bye to President Anderson

Today was the last day the PLU's wonderful President Anderson was going to speak at Chapel, and of course Choir of the West was there to perform with him. Now he is retiring this May and basically graduating with the class of Spring 2012. However the bummer is that I will be graduating in December....NOOO! So this means that out of my 4 1/2 years at PLU I won't get to get up and shake President Anderson's hand at Graduation. All semester I have been trying to get my hand shake and good bye hug from him, and today I did.

Now I can officially graduate PLU in December as a happy camper. 

*funny story* I flat out blew the wrong pitch but caught it right before we started to sing. Now most people in the audience at chapel probably had no idea what was really going on. But when I was talking to President Anderson he turned to me and asked "Your the Pitch Piper right? Did you blow the wrong pitch this morning?" Oh course he would be the one to notice. Love you President Anderson, I am going to miss you so much!

Tuesday April 24th 2012: Zumba

This is the studio where I do Zumba:

And I absolutely love it!

Monday, April 23, 2012

Choir of the West Tour

Was amazing!! Absolutely amazing, I did not take nearly as many pictures as I could have, but that's because I decided to live in the moment and have an awesome time, rather than run around taking pictures of every one. So the pictures I do have are from our free afternoon in Eugene, OR

Kim and I, the dynamic duo

Roaming the streets of Eugene

Erin and her beautiful blue eyes.

My awesome roommate for tour!


Pretty ladies!

Oh Michael and Kelvin

Strike a pose for coffee!

The totally awesome chair that we found!

Lunch with Kim

Quote I found at this really cool store Kim and I went to.

Our final home stay with Lauren and Katie

Choir Tour Pre-funk

The reason why  I did not post anything last week because COW was going nuts trying to prepare for tour. Our music wasn't ready until the last minute and it was super stressful.m Anyways the night before I left Molly, Kelsey, and I had a choir party pre-funk AKA Taco Tuesday. It was marvelous!

Add caption

We had a little too much fun : D

Friday, April 13, 2012

Surprise Around Every Corner....Window

Before choir today, I was out in the ampatheatre and I happen to see my good friend Katie:

Just hangin' out of a practice room window. She always makes me smile with her amazing quirky charm that I love so much! Here's to you Katie for always being so great!

Thursday: Where to go...

As the end of my undergraduate career comes to an end (before I start student teaching) uncertainty is now plagued me as I am being forced to think about the future. Who will be there with me? What I am going to do? When will things happen? Where am I going to be?

I feel like this picture accurately describes my emotions. I can see where I want to go, but it is a little fuzzy along the way. All I can do is close my eyes, count to three and leap...hoping for the best. 

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Yesterday --> Sick Day : (

So yesterday I came down with the flu : ( but I would rather not post a picture of me with tissues stuffed up my nose and super messy hair. Instead I am going to post a random old picture.

This picture was from KeelyAnn and Sam's joint birthday extravaganza, silly pants party. It was so much fun!

I am wearing an aqua blue pants suit, ahhh yeah!

Monday, April 9, 2012

I know I know I know I know

I suck at this, man photo a day is tough. But I am back, so I am just going to post a ton of pictures I have taken recently. WOO!

These first ones are from my trip to visit Abby!

First Date: A New Musical is a new preview musical that hasn't even hit Broadway yet, but it was FABULOUS! I hope it gets all the way to the big stage because it was amazing!

This was after my first rehearsal with my new a ccapella group 1standPike, and it was gorgeous outside!

Then of course this is what the sky looked like when I got to Tacoma...harumph

This was the beauitful weather we had the Saturday before easter, we when to Pikes place and it was great!