Today was the last day the PLU's wonderful President Anderson was going to speak at Chapel, and of course Choir of the West was there to perform with him. Now he is retiring this May and basically graduating with the class of Spring 2012. However the bummer is that I will be graduating in December....NOOO! So this means that out of my 4 1/2 years at PLU I won't get to get up and shake President Anderson's hand at Graduation. All semester I have been trying to get my hand shake and good bye hug from him, and today I did.
Now I can officially graduate PLU in December as a happy camper.
*funny story* I flat out blew the wrong pitch but caught it right before we started to sing. Now most people in the audience at chapel probably had no idea what was really going on. But when I was talking to President Anderson he turned to me and asked "Your the Pitch Piper right? Did you blow the wrong pitch this morning?" Oh course he would be the one to notice. Love you President Anderson, I am going to miss you so much!