Sunday, January 22, 2012


On Friday, I had another snow day, so I spent my time cleaning my entire house. It was a mess, so after 7 hours of scrubbing, vacuuming, dusting, washing, and organizing it looked awesome! But then I realized that I had to leave. I have been getting frustrated with things at home, at school, and in life in general so I had to get away. I also have been missing my sister. We have never been apart this long and not been able to talk to each other. Throughout the day, I spent most of it being torn up inside. So I needed to escape, and there was only one place that would make it all better....home.

I packed my bags, called my parents, shoveled the driveway so Alice and I could get out, and I left. 

As soon as I got home, I took the battery out of my phone so no one could contact me, and shut down my computer. Every once in a while I go through these phases where I need to get away. I don't want to talk to anyone or see any one. This one was so bad that I burst into tears on the way home. But as soon as I hugged my parents, I knew I had escaped to my own paradise. 

Once I got home and had a glass of white wine, I started reading my book:

My other resolution that I made was to read one book a month. Eat Pray Love is amazing! I find myself crying and literally laughing out loud both at the same time while reading it. I saw the movie a long time ago so I don't remember much. But what I do remember was the amazing actress that plays Elizabeth Gilbert: Julia Roberts. Casting directors hit the jackpot with choosing Miss Roberts. She fits this role so well that as I read the book, I can even hear her voice as though she is reading to me. It's incredible!