Monday, March 19, 2012

Saturday Part 1: Regatta

Today was the first regatta of the season PLU vs. SPU. It was a gross weather day, snowing and raining at the same time but it was so much fun being there! I miss rowing everyday with every part of me, and I wish I never got hurt my sophomore year so I could still be rowing. I am so proud of my friends Abby and Rachel! We all started rowing together our freshman year and they are the only two from our class who rowed all 4 years. They are amazing and I look up to them so much! They are literally the strongest people I know and I wouldn't be the person I am today without them in my life. I wish I could see them more, but the times we are together I cherish the most : D

Here is a picture of the WV8 before their amazing race! They were so close to winning, I think they were about 5 seconds behind, but wither way it was an amazing race!

After the race and at the pancake breakfast with SPU. GO PLU CREW!

Unfortunately Abby left before I could get a picture with the three of us, so here is one from sophomore year at the annual erg-a-thon. I love you both so much!